ACM MobiCom 2020 is the twenty-sixth in a series of annual conferences sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE dedicated to addressing the challenges in the areas of mobile computing and wireless and mobile networking. The MobiCom conference series serves as a highly selective, premier international forum addressing networks, systems, algorithms, and applications that support mobile computers and wireless networks. In addition to the regular conference program, MobiCom 2020 will include a set of workshops, research demonstrations, and a poster session that includes the ACM Student Research Competition.
- January 2020 - Call for workshops is up.
- January 2020 - First round of accepted papers announced.
- March 2020 - Submission deadline extended to March 21st for abstracts and March 25th for papers.
- March 2020 - Workshops & Tutorials announced.
- May 2020 - Workshop papers submission deadline extended to June 5th due to Covid-19 situation.
- May 2020 - Mobicom 2020 will be held as a virtual conference.
- May 2020 - Call for demos is up.
- June 2020 - Call for posters is up.
- July 2020 - Posters submission deadline extended to July 15th.
- July 2020 - Demos submission deadline extended to July 13th.
- August 2020 - Online registration is open here.
- August 2020 - Workshops/tutorials format has been changed. All the workshops/tutorial will be held on Sept. 25th.
- August 2020 - N2Women Event announced.
- August 2020 - Provisional Program announcement.
- August 2020 - Virtual Presentation Instructions updated.
- August 2020 - New tutorial announced.
- September 2020 - Mentorship program announced.
- September 2020 - MobiCom program details available.
- September 2020 - Best paper awards announced.
- September 2020 - Conference proceedings are available here.
Best Paper Award
Hummingbird: Energy Efficient GPS Receiver for Small SatellitesSujay Narayana, R Venkatesha Prasad, Vijay S Rao (TU Delft); Luca Mottola (Politecnico di Milano, Italy and RI.SE SICS Sweden); T Venkata Prabhakar (IISc, India)
Global Positioning System is a widely adopted localization technique. With the increasing demand for small satellites, the need for a low-power GPS for satellites is also increasing. To enable many state-of-the-art applications, the exact position of the satellites is necessary. However, building low-power GPS receivers which operate in low earth orbit pose significant challenges. This is mainly due to the high speed (~7.8km/s) of small satellites. While duty-cycling the receiver is a possible solution, the high relative Doppler shift between the GPS satellites and the small satellite contributes to the increase in Time To First Fix (TTFF), thus increasing the energy consumption. Further, if the GPS receiver is tumbling along with the small satellite on which it is mounted, longer TTFF may lead to no GPS fix due to disorientation of the receiver antenna. In this paper, we elucidate the design of a low-cost, low-power GPS receiver for small satellite applications. We also propose an energy optimization algorithm called F3 to improve the TTFF which is the main contributor to the energy consumption during cold start. With simulations and in-orbit evaluation from a launched nanosatellite with our μGPS and high-end GPS simulators, we show that up to 96.16% of energy savings (consuming only ~ 1/25th energy compared to the state of the art) can be achieved using our algorithm without compromising much (~10m) on the navigation accuracy. The TTFF achieved is at most 33s.
M-Cube: A Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Software Radio
Renjie Zhao, Timothy Woodford, Teng Wei, Kun Qian, Xinyu Zhang (University of California San Diego)
Millimeter-wave (mmWave) technologies represent a cornerstone for emerging wireless network infrastructure, and for RF sensing systems in security, health, and automotive domains. Through a MIMO array of phased arrays with hundreds of antenna elements, mmWave can boost wireless bit-rate to 100+~Gbps, and potentially achieve near-vision sensing resolution. However, lack of an experimental platform has been impeding research in this field. This paper fills the gap with M^3M (M-Cube), the first mmWave massive MIMO software radio. M^3M features a fully reconfigurable array of phased arrays, with up to 8 RF chains and 288 antenna elements. Despite the orders of magnitude larger antenna arrays, its cost is orders of magnitude lower, even when compared with state-of-the-art single RF chain mmWave software radios. The key design principle behind M^3M is to hijack a low-cost commodity 802.11ad radio, separate the control path and data path inside, regenerate the phased array control signals, and recreate the data signals using a programmable baseband. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of the M^3M design, and its usefulness for research in mmWave massive MIMO communication and sensing.
Honourable Mention Award
Sniffing Visible Light Communication Through WallsMinhao Cui, Yuda Feng (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Qing Wang (Delft University of Technology); Jie Xiong (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Visible light communication (VLC) is gaining a significant amount of interest as a new paradigm to meet rapidly increasing demands on wireless capacity required by a digitalized world. VLC is considered as a secure wireless communication scheme because VLC signals can be easily constrained within physical boundaries. In this paper, for the first time, we show that VLC is not as secure as people thought: VLC can be sniffed through walls! The key principle behind this is that in VLC transmissions, a VLC transmitter not only emits visible light signals but also leaks out "side channel RF signals". The leaked RF signals can be sniffed by a receiver to decode the VLC transmissions even the receiver is blocked (e.g., by walls) from the VLC transmitter. In this work, we establish a theoretical model to quantify the amplitude of the leaked RF signal and verify the model with comprehensive experiments. We design and implement a VLC sniffing system including receiver coil design, signal processing and frame decoding, spanning across hardware and software. Field studies show that with a cheap receiver design, our system can simultaneously sniff transmissions from multiple VLC transmitters 6.4 meters away with a 14 cm concrete wall in between, where the distance exceeds the communication range of most state-of-the-art VLC systems. By simply twining a wired earphone on the arm, we can sniff the VLC transmission 1.9 meters away.
![Microsoft Research](images/mobicom-logo/Microsoft-Logo.png)
![Google](images/mobicom-logo/Google Logo.png)
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) - Publishing research and applications of distributed, wireless or wireline sensor and actuator networks.
- ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) - High-quality research results in the fields of information and system security and privacy.
- ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing (TQC) - High-impact, original research papers and select surveys on topics in quantum computing and quantum information science.
- ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) - High-quality research and developmental results referring to all phases of the modeling and simulation life cycle.