The 2001 ACM Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing


October 4-5, 2001 
Long Beach, California, USA

MobiHoc 2001 Home 

MobiHoc 2001, sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE, will serve as a forum for addressing various issues related to mobile ad hoc networks. Following the success of MobiHoc 2000, MobiHoc 2001 has been expanded to a 2-day symposium, to provide more opportunities for participation by the ad hoc networking community.



Paper Submissions Due May 22, 2001
Notification of Acceptance July 23, 2001
Camera-Ready Versions Due August 6, 2001
Hotel Rate Cut-off September 12, 2001
Early Registration Deadline September 13, 2001
Travel Grants for Students September 23, 2001
Conference Dates October 4-5, 2001 (NO CHANGE OF DATE !!)


This web page is inspired by ACM MobiCom 2000.