International Workshop onTactical Mobile Ad Hoc Networking |
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OverviewMany defense, disaster response and other mission-critical applications rely on networking centric systems. They open a new spectrum of capabilities (e.g. global reach, situational awareness and formation flying) and improvements of decision making processes. Instead of using deployable static network infrastructures, a Tactical Mobile Ad Hoc NETwork (MANET) can be rapidly operational, trading off high-performance with flexibility, affordability and survivability while being capable of supporting mission-critical services such as remote navigation and control, coordinated mobility and decisions, collaborative working or blue force tracking. Furthermore, Tactical MANETs must be deployed successfully in non-cooperative (not to say aggressive) environments, on which limited knowledge is available. They must also be managed with no or limited operator interventions, still providing reliable behaviours in spite of large scale topologies. To this end, MANET routing, cross-layering techniques, and cognitive networking must cope with various forms of mobility, link breaks, jamming, node failures and message losses. Many theoretical and practical issues arising with MANETs have been investigated so far. However, a broad range of problems remain open with Tactical MANETs. Download the Call for Papers text version. [ Back to top ] Final Program9h00 -- Workshop START Invited Paper: AI Technologies for Tactical Edge Networks A Gossip-based Synchronization Protocol for State Consistency in Distributed Applications Slinky: An Adaptive Protocol for Content Access in Disruption-Tolerant Ad Hoc Networks Parametrization of Terrestrial Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols
for Tactical Underwater Networks 10H30 -- 11H00 BREAK Collision Reduction in Random Access Slots for TDMA Tactical Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Cooperative Transmission Scheduling in Multiuser
Detection MAC for Tactical CDMA-MANET Efficient Wormhole Attack Detection Through Cross-Layer Management On Applying Signal Processing Techniques to Defend Against Mobile Ad hoc Network Attack 12h30 -- LUNCH [ Back to top ] Invited Talk
AI Technologies for Tactical Edge Networks
[ Back to top ] ScopeThis multi-disciplinary workshop invites submissions from researchers in industry and academia. Submissions are particularly encouraged on principles of Tactical MANETs as well as on practical experiences with real deployments (including underwater, land and aerospace systems). Topics of relevance include but are not limited to:
[ Back to top ] FormatThe workshop format will consist of technical presentations based on accepted papers, each followed by a Q/A session.[ Back to top ] SubmissionsSubmissions may be regular papers (10 pages) or short position papers (4 pages). Position papers should focus on relevance to application domain, positioning, and innovative ideas. All papers should conform to the MobiHoc Standard template (Conference style template). Each paper will be reviewed by at least two referees. Submissions, in PDF format only, should be sent by email to christophe.guettier @ and geraud.allard @ using the subject line Tactical MANET 2011 Workshop Submission. All workshop attendees must be registered for MobiHoc 2011. [ Back to top ] Important DatesThe schedule of important dates for the workshop is as follows:
[ Back to top ] OrganisationOrganising CommitteeChristophe Guettier Geraud Allard Program Committee
Arnaud de la Fortelle - Ecole des Mines de Paris, France [ Back to top ] |