The 1st MobiSys Women’s Workshop (June 26th, 2016)

MobiSys 2016 is pleased to announce its first ever workshop for broadening participation of women in research in mobile systems, applications and services.This year’s objectives of the workshop will include:

  • Bridging junior, mid-level and senior women researchers in the area for conversations on research and career interests
  • Mentoring those new to research on how to make the most of attending a conference

The workshop will feature keynote talks from distinguished women researchers in the community, panel sessions, mentoring sessions, and a poster session.

Call for Posters

Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of mobile systems, applications and services. All women researchers are welcome to submit their recent work for presentation at the workshop and the main conference. Submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed and the abstracts of accepted posters will be posted on the conference website.

The abstracts will not appear in the conference proceedings, so participants can submit both published papers and work in progress, without worrying about dual submission policies. The main intent of the session is getting the participants to interact and get valuable feedback from the MobiSys community. So all presenters in the Women’s workshop will also get an opportunity to present their posters during the main conference poster session.

Poster submissions must include an extended abstract no longer than one 8.5x11-inch page, including all figures and references. This abstract should be formatted in two columns, single-spaced, with a font no smaller than 10-point. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format.

Poster abstracts should be emailed to with the subject "Poster Submission".

Instructions on the actual poster preparation will be posted later.

Travel Grants

Applicants who submit posters to the workshop will be eligible to apply for travel grants. For information on how to apply, please check the main conference's grants page.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: May 2, 2016  May 9, 2016
Notifications: May 14, 2016  May 17, 2016
Workshop Date: June 26, 2016

Workshop Organizers

Robin Kraverts (UIUC)
Xia Zhou (Dartmouth)
Rijurekha Sen (MPI-SWS)
Kasthuri Jayarajah (SMU)
Krittika D'Silva (University of Cambridge)