Call for Workshop Proposals
ACM MobiHoc 2024 will be held in Athens, Greece, October 14-17, 2024. In addition to the main program, the conference will feature a set of workshops.
The goal of the workshops is to gather recent research on focused topics of interest, and to provide a forum for authors to present early results on these topics. We seek workshops capable of putting together a high-quality program from contributed and/or invited papers presenting novel ideas in the less formal settings that are typical of workshop meetings.
We invite proposals from both individuals and teams interested in organizing strong workshops on any topic related to the main MobiHoc conference. Preference will be given to emerging topics in networking and mobile computing.
Workshop proposals should provide the following information:
Title, scope, and topics of the workshop.
Name, affiliation, and short bio of workshop organizers.
Tentative committee lists (organizers, steering committee if any, etc.).
Workshop planned format (papers, demos, panels, etc.). Please indicate if you would prefer the workshop to be a full-day or half-day workshop. If accepted, the workshop length may be changed later depending on the number of paper submissions received.
Past history of the workshop (if and where held, number of papers submitted and accepted, number of participants).
Rationale: Why is the topic current and important? Is it an emerging topic? Why would the workshop attract a significant number of submissions of good quality and a large number of attendees?
A comparison to recent (within the past 2 years) workshops on related topics at previous editions of MobiHoc or other conferences such as INFOCOM, ICNP, MOBICOM, SIGMETRICS, etc. Please indicate how you plan to differentiate this workshop from those held at these other venues.
A draft call for papers with tentative dates, if available. Please note that the dates for paper submission, notification, and camera-ready version may need to be changed to fit the conference publication schedule.
Brief description of the dissemination plan (publicity, online presence, etc.). At least one organizer of each accepted workshop must be physically present during the event.
Please submit workshop proposals in PDF format to the co-chairs by email (debankur.mukherjee [AT], with subject line [MobiHoc’24 Workshop Proposal Submission: “workshop name”]. Submissions must be received by the deadline below.
May 10, 2024 - Workshop proposals due
May 17, 2024 - Notification of workshop proposal acceptance
July 9, 2024 - Workshop paper submission deadline (suggested)
Late August, 2024 - Workshop camera-ready deadline (hard deadline)
October 14, 2024 - Workshop event date
Workshop chairs
Debankur Mukherjee, Georgia Tech, USA
Aylavadi Ganesh, Bristol University, UK
Gauri Joshi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA