Accepted Posters
- Assessing Wellbeing using Custom Built Real-Time Sensors , Nova Ahmed (North South University)
- IRIS: Tapping Wearable Sensing to Capture In-Store Retail Insights on Shoppers , Meera Radhakrishnan (Singapore Management University)
- ReCon: Revealing and Controlling PII Leaks in Mobile Traffic , Jingjing Ren (Northeastern University)
- Indoor Location Error-Detection via Crowdsourced Multi-Dimensional Mobile Data , Savina Singla (PEC University of Technology)
- Urban Traffic Sense: Automated Turning Movement Monitoring for improved Intersection and Signal Behaviour Analysis , Chesta Sofat (PEC University of Technology)
- Context-Aware Visual Privacy Control , Jiayu Shu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Realtime Detection of Degradation in WiFi Network’s Goodput Due to Probe Traffic , Dheryta Jaisinghani (IIIT, Delhi)
- Identity Management as a Service in Remote Healthcare , Tapalina Bhattasali (University of Calcutta)
- Personalized Scheduler through Context-aware and Learning about Users , Soya Park (KAIST)
- Forensic analysis and security assessment of Android m-banking apps , Rajchada Chanajitt (Mahidol University, Thailand)
- BluePark: Tracking Parking and Un-parking Events in Indoor Garages , Sonia Soubam (IIIT, Delhi)
- Participatory Sensing in Mobile-based Application: A Case Study in Agriculture , Anusha Indika Walisadeera (University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka)
- Optimal Route Planning in Yangon Transportation Network , HninThiri Chaw (University of Computer Studies, Myanmar)
- An Agriculture Mobile Artefact to Enhance Livelihood Activities of Sri Lankan Farmers , Lasanthi De Silva (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka)
- Tropical Cyclone Prediction for Providing Early Warning System , Thu Zar Hsan (University of Computer Studies, Myanmar)
- Leveraging Wi-Fi Activity for Optimizing Building HVAC Energy Usage , Amee Trivedi (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
- Combining Personal, Peer and Pervasive Sensing for Human Memory Augmentation , Sarah Clinch (Lancaster University)
- A Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agriculture , Tanima Dutta (IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India)
- 2.4 GHz Indoor Path Loss Prediction Model for Multifloored Building , Monyee Aung (Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar)
- Optimal Path Finding for Emergency Cases on Android , K-zin Phyo (University of Computer Studies, Myanmar)
- Index Structure for Spatial Keyword Query with Myanmar Language on the Mobile Devices , Myat Thiri Khine (University of Computer Studies, Myanmar)
- Power management protocols for WiFi Direct , Pravati Swain (NIT, Goa, India)