Women in Mobile Systems
Meet the ladies of the MobiSys community who have authored papers or served on the organizing committees over the past 10 years*.
Click on the shaded outer circles to see who they are, and click on their names to find out more!
- * The list of women authors was extracted using the MobiSys conference information on ACM DL that lists authors who have at least two contributions. We sincerely apologize if we have missed out your name or someone you know who is also a woman in Mobile Systems.
- If you are a woman in Mobile Systems and don't see your name, please email us your name, current status and a link to your profile.
- This visualization is brought to you by the organizers of the Women's Workshop co-located with MobiSys'16, to bring together, women in our research areas to the limelight. We seek your support and understanding while we continue to complete this list.