
Accepted Demos

Best Demo

Seamless Producer Mobility for the Industrial Information-Centric Internet
Cenk Gündoğan, Peter Kietzmann, Thomas C. Schmidt, Martine Lenders, Hauke Petersen, Matthias Wählisch, Michael Frey, and Felix Shzu-Juraschek

  • Demo: CAR: The Cleanest Air Routing Algorithm for Path Navigation with Minimal PM2.5 Exposure on the Move Sachit Mahajan (Academia Sinica), Yu-Siou Tang (Academia Sinica), Dong-Yi Wu (Academia Sinica), Tzu-Chieh Tsai (National Chengchi University), Ling-Jyh Chen (Academia Sinica)
  • Demo: A Novel Finger-Assisted Touch-free Text Input System Without Training Qiang Yang (Shenzhen University), Hongrui Fu (Shenzhen University), Yongpan Zou (Shenzhen University), Kaishun Wu (Shenzhen University
  • Demo: Empath-D: VR-based Empathetic App Design for Accessibility Wonjung Kim (KAIST), Kenny Tsu Wei Choo), Singapore Management University), Youngki Lee (Singapore Management University), Archan Misra (Singapore Management University), Rajesh Krishna Balan (Singapore Management University)
  • Demo: Wireless Video Streaming for Ultra-low-power Cameras Mehrdad Hessar (University of Washington), Saman Naderiparizi (University of Washington), Ye Wang (University of Washington), Ali Saffari (University of Washington), Shyamnath Gollakota (University of Washington), Joshua R Smith (University of Washington)
  • Demo: Cross-Technology Interference Nulling for Improved LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence Piotr Gawłowicz (TU Berlin), Anatolij Zubow (TU Berlin), Suzan Bayhan (TU Berlin)
  • Demo: System-E: Enhancing Privacy on Mobile Systems through Content-Based Classification and Storage Sharath Chandrashekhara (University at Buffalo), Taeyeon Ki (University at Buffalo), Karthik Dantu (University at Buffalo), Steven Y. Ko), University at Buffalo)
  • Demo: Distributed Real-Time Generative 3D Hand Tracking using Edge GPGPU Acceleration Ammar Qammaz (FORTH and University of Crete), Sokol Kosta (Aalborg University Copenhagen), Nikolaos Kyriazis (FORTH), Antonis Argyros (FORTH and University of Crete)
  • Demo: eSense Earable Platform for Human Sensing Fahim Kawsar (Nokia Bell Labs), Chulhong Min (Nokia Bell Labs), Akhil Mathur (Nokia Bell Labs and University College London), Marc Van den Broeck (Nokia Bell Labs), Utku Acer (Nokia Bell Labs), Claudio Forlivesi (Nokia Bell Labs)
  • Demo: Seamless Producer Mobility for the Industrial Information-Centric Internet Cenk Gündoğan (HAW Hamburg), Peter Kietzmann (HAW Hamburg), Thomas C. Schmidt (HAW Hamburg), Martine Lenders(Freie Universität Berlin)), Hauke Petersen (Freie Universität Berlin), Matthias Wählisch (Freie Universität Berlin), Michael Frey (MSA Safety), Felix Shzu-Juraschek (MSA Safety)
  • Demo: Software-defined Visible Light Backscatter Network Xieyang Xu (Peking University), Yang Shen (Peking University), Guojun Chen (Peking University), Yue Wu (Peking University), Lilei Feng), Qing Wang (unaffiliated), Chenren Xu (Peking University)
  • Demo: Plug & Play Network Application Chaining for Multi-Service Programmability in 5G RAN Navid Nikaein (Eurecom), Chia-Yu Chang (Eurecom), Robert Schmidth (Eurecom), Shahab Shariat (Eurecom), Konstantinos.Alexandris (Eurecom), Xenofon Vasilakos (Eurecom)
  • Demo: HomeMeld: Co-present Robotic Avatar System for Illusion of Living Together Bumsoo Kang (KAIST), Inseok Hwang (IBM Research), Jinho Lee (IBM Research), Seungchul Lee (KAIST), Taegyeong Lee (KAIST), Youngjae Chang (KAIST), Min Kyung Lee (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • Demo: Enabling Public Cameras to Talk to the Public Siyuan Cao (Purdue University), Habiba Farrukh (Purdue University), He Wang (Purdue University)
  • Demo: Touchless Wireless Authentication via LocalVLC Michael Haus (Technical University of Munich), Aaron Yi Ding (Technical University of Munich), Chenren Xu (Peking University), Jörg Ott (Technical University of Munich)
  • Demo: VolksFlow: Crowd Mobility Analytics with Multi-modal Data for Internet-of-Things Services Gürkan Solmaz (NEC Laboratories Europe), Fang-Jing Wu (Technische Universität Dortmund)
  • Demo: Empowering Cyber-Physical Systems with FADEX Vittorio Cozzolino (Technical University of Munich), Aaron Yi Ding (Technical University of Munich), Ardalan Amiri Sani (UC Irvine), Richard Mortier (University of Cambridge), Dirk Kutscher (Huawei), Jörg Ott (Technical University of Munich)