ACM ACM MobiSys 2022

The 20th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services

June 27 - July 1, 2022 • Portland, Oregon

ACM MobiSys 2022 Health and Safety Policies

The organizers of ACM MobiSys 2022 continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic.

ACM MobiSys 2022 is planned as an in person event. We look forward to welcoming over 275 attendees in Portland, Oregon. As such, our top priority is the health and safety of all our attendees.

We will be following all Oregon Health Authority (OHA) guidelines for hosting large gathering events. We will be strictly adhering to the standards of our venue, The Nines to host the event. You can view their COVID-19 Information , as well as their meetings and events roadmap .

Masks are still strongly recommended in indoor public settings, to help reduce transmission and keep Oregon at a low risk level, but they are not mandated.

Mask Policy

Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends that:

Prior to Departure

High-Frequency Sanitization

How You Can Help Onsite

Local PCR Testing Options

For local PCR testing, there are various local options should the need arise. Attendees will need to reach out and arrange appointments and testing themselves. While not a comprehensive list, the following are several options for testing:

Other testing options are available from OHA .


Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Host Institution