Author Guidelines
GetMobile articles are meant to address topics of broad interest and should be accessible to the wider mobile research community. We encourage you structure your content in a way that it is both attractive and easy consume by make use of tables, graphics, images, and sidebars.
Please submit your manuscripts in MS Word. Papers should be a maximum of 3,000 words long including all content. Limit your citations to at most 15 references. Figures and tables should be counted as 250 words each.
Please format your submission using a single column of text. The final version of your paper will be reformatted into a 3-column format by our designer and will go through light copy-editing.
If you include images in your paper (which we strongly encourage), please submit with your manuscript high-definition versions (at least 300dpi) of all images as individual files in either JPG, TIF, or EPS format. Please make images as large as possible.