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MobiSys 2008

Important Dates

Abstracts due: 26 November 2007
Full papers due: 3 December 2007
Work in Progress due: 2 June 2008

Paper Submission

The paper submission deadline has passed. Thanks to all the authors who submitted. Out of the over 123 submissions, the program committee was able to accept only 22.

Work in Progress

MobiSys 2008 will include a Work in Progress (WIP) session highlighting the very latest research in the areas of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services. Presentations will be selected in advance, based on an extended 1-page abstract. WIP presentations slots will be short (4-5 minutes long including Q&A and setup time), and this limit will be rigorously enforced. Accepted WIP abstracts will be available from the MobiSys web site and will also be printed as for distribution to conference attendees. The WIP review committee will evaluate submissions according to the following criteria:

To submit, please email a 1-page extended abstract of the research to be described by the WIP presentation to mobisys2008pcchairs@cs.toronto.edu by June 2nd, 2008 11:59 PM EST. Acceptance notifications will be sent out on June 6th, 2008. Your submission should include a title, your name, email, affiliation, and whether you are a student. Submission longer than one page will not be considered.