MobiSys 2007 Demonstration and Poster Session

Original Call for Demonstrations and Posters

MobiSys 2007 Demonstrations

Modular P2P multicast in wireless ad-hoc networks
Peter Baumung (Institute of Telematics, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany)

Context browsing with mobiles - When less is more
Yevgin Borodin, Jalal Mahmud, and Iv Ramakrishnan (Stony Brook University)

Clean slate mesh protocol design using WARP
Joseph Camp, Ahmed Khattab, Chris Hunter, Patrick Murphy, Ashu Sabharwal, and Edward W. Knightly (ECE Department, Rice University)

Shooter localization and weapon classification with soldier-wearable networked sensors
Peter Volgyess, Gyorgy Balogh, Andras Nadas, Christopher Nash, and Akos Ledeczi (Vanderbilt University)

The EXC toolkit: Conducting realistic experiments with wireless multi-hop networks
Wolfgang Kiess, Thomas Ogilvie, Andreas Tarp, and Martin Mauve (Computer Networks Research Group, University of Düsseldorf, Germany)

Find my co-ordinates
Eiman Elnahrawy and Richard P. Martin (Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, USA and Kordinate LLC)

WLAN handover management based on the number of frame retransmissions for TCP communication
Kazuya Tsukamoto, Shigeru Kashihara, and Yuji Oie (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)

The context clipboard - Supporting next generation simple mobile services
Nigel Davies, Oliver Storz, Adrian Friday, and Michael Harding (Lancaster University, UK)

Best Demo Award
MobiUS: A together-viewing mobile video experience
Guobin Shen (Microsoft Research Asia, China), Yanlin Li (Tianjin University, China), Chunyi Peng (Microsoft Research Asia, China), and Yongguang Zhang (Microsoft Research Asia, China)

SensorFlock: A mobile system of networked micro-air vehicles
Ahmad Bilal Hasan, Bill Pisano, Saroch Panichsakul, Pete Gray, Jyh Huang, Richard Han, Dale Lawrence, Kamran Mohseni (University of Colorado)

ContextNotifier and TestingEmulator: A toolkit for developing adaptive, context-aware applications
Michele Sama and David S. Rosenblum (Dept. of Computer Science, University College London, UK)

Programming and securing service-oriented wireless sensor networks
Hans-Joachim Hof, Bernhard Hurler, Anton Hergenröder, Christian Haas and Michel Conrad (Institute of Telematics, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany)

Experiences of designing and deploying intelligent sensor nodes to monitor hand-arm vibrations in the field
Christos Efstratiou, Nigel Davies, Gerd Kortuem, Joe Finney, Rob Hooper, and Mark Lowton (Lancaster University, UK)

Customizable mobile phone with multiple domain support
Takehiro Nakayama, Ken Ohta, and Atsushi Takeshita (NTT DoCoMo, Japan)

Self-organizing 802.11-compatible MAC with elastic realtime scheduling
Imad Aad, Philipp Hofmann, Luis Loyola, Farhan Riaz, and Joerg Widmer (NTT DoCoMo EuroLabs)

PageTailor: reusable end-user customization for the mobile web
Nilton Bila, Troy Ronda, Iqbal Mohomed, Khai N. Truong and Eyal de Lara (Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada)

Cell2Notify: energy efficient VoIP for Wi-Fi enabled smartphones
Yuvraj Agarwal (University of California, San Diego), Ranveer Chandra (Microsoft Research, USA), Alec Wolman (Microsoft Research, USA), Victor Bahl (Microsoft Research, USA), Kevin Chin (Microsoft Corp., USA), and Rajesh Gupta (University of California, San Diego)

OrbitECG: mobile phone-based ambulatory wearable ECG monitoring
Ahmad Rahmati, Bryan Grandy, Charlie Ice, Sara Joiner, Clayton Shepard, and Lin Zhong (Rice University)

A testbed-based performance investigation of an energy-efficient, load-balancing protocol for geo-forwarding in wireless sensor networks
Stefano Basagni Petrioli (ECE Dept., Northeastern University), Michele Nati (Dept. of Computer Science, University of Roma, Italy) and Chiara (Dept. of Computer Science, University of Roma, Italy)

Real-Time deployment of multihop relays for range extension
Michael Souryal (NIST, USA), Johannes Geissbuehler (AdNovum, Switzerland), Leonard Miller (NIST, USA), and Nader Moayeri (NIST, USA)

MobiSys 2007 Posters

Koseki: A sensor network filesystem
James Horey, Jean-Charles Tournier, Patrick Widener, and Arthur B. Maccabe (University of New Mexico)

CRISP: Common Radio Interpretation for Secure Pairing
Alex Varshavsky (University of Toronto, Canada), Adin Scannell (University of Toronto, Canada), Anthony LaMarca (Intel Research Seattle), and Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto, Canada)

Loci: Delivering location-constrained information feed
Samrat Ganguly, Sudeept Bhatnagar, and Sidath Handurukande (NEC Laboratories America)

S3: Slotted Sectored Scheduling in WLANs
Samrat Ganguly (NEC Laboratories America), Ravi Kokku (NEC Laboratories America), Vishnu Navda (Stony Brook University), and Samir Das (Stony Brook University)

Jointly sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE and the USENIX Association.   With support from Microsoft Research, IBM, HP, Intel, and Nokia.