ASSET 2016 - 1st Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies
Check out this special message from the General Chairs on what's forthcoming for the 1st Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies (ASSET 2016)!
Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce the 1st Asian Students Symposium on Emerging Technologies (ASSET 2016) to be held in conjuction with MobiSys 2016. This 3 day symposium will bring together graduate students from various parts of Asia to present and discuss topics in emergic technologies of global and regional interest. As part of this symposium, students will be able to present their research ideas to both their peers and to invited senior researchers from around the world. In addition, there will be multipled invited talks from distinguished researchers on various topics of interest to the participants.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Experience with mobile apps, networks and systems
- Innovative wearable, mobile, sensing, and crowdsourcing apps
- Tools for building and measuring mobile systems
- Innovative wearable or mobile devices
- Novel software architectures for mobile devices
- Data management for mobile applications
- Infrastructure support for node mobility
- System-level energy management for mobile devices
- Operating systems for mobile devices
- Support for mobile social networking and mobile Web
- Security and privacy in mobile systems
- Systems for location and context sensing and awareness
- Mobile computing support for pervasive computing
- Vehicular wireless systems
- User interfaces and usability for mobile applications and systems
- Personal-area networks and systems
- Cyber foraging and resource discovery for mobile systems
- Next generation (5G) mobile networks
- Internet of things
- Machine-to-machine communications
- Visible light communication
- Novel access paradigms/modalities
- Mobile data science/analysis
- Networking, Distributed Computing, Cloud computing, and Software defined networking
To participate in the symposium, students will have to submit a short 2 page research proposal describing their current area of research. This writeup should state what the main research area is, why the problem is important, why the problem is hard, and the main results / implementations that the student has currently achieved. All selected participants will be invited to also present their work at the demo and poster session of MobiSys 2016 where they will get to interact with the larger MobiSys audience--the abstract of such demos/posters will be included in the appropriate conference proceedings.
For more details, please refer to the symposium webpage located at:
- Rajesh Krishna Balan (Singapore Management University)
- Archan Misra (Singapore Management University)
- Youngki Lee (Singapore Management University)
- Jie Xiong (Singapore Management University)
- JeongGil Ko (Ajou University, Korea)
- Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University, Japan)