Call for Videos
For the second time, MobiSys will host a Video Program format. We invite researchers to show off their creativity through the submission of videos of their research. The video should present a working system, ideally in use in its intended environment, and be no longer than 5 minutes. Selected videos will be invited for short presentations in the final technical program. The presenter of the video will have a few minutes to introduce the idea before playing the video and to take a few questions afterwards. The video should illustrate technically sound innovative research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services.
Videos will be selected according to two main criteria: content (Is the material relevant to the MobiSys community? Is the idea novel?) and presentation (Is the video well done? Does it engage the audience through creative direction and editing?)
Accepted videos will be included into the MobiSys 2014 Eproceedings and the ACM DL. They'll be also linked from the MobiSys 2014 website.
Best Video Award:
All videos will be considered for the Best Video Award. The winner will be selected at the conference, considering both the video and the presentation. The winner will receive a plaque and a cash award.
Submission rules:
- The maximum video duration is 5 minutes;
- The video should be uploaded on YouTube and a link to the video should be sent to the Video Program chairs via email ( and with the following subject line: [MobiSys'14 - Video Program Submission].
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: April 7, 2014
- Notification deadline: April 11, 2014