
Ph.D. Forum Back to top


The PhD Forum provides a friendly and supportive environment for doctoral students to present and discuss their dissertation research both with their peers and with a panel of experienced researchers from academia and industry. In addition to providing feedback and advice, this forum will provide an opportunity for students to network as well as to practice presenting their research clearly and concisely.

This meeting is best suited to students who are far enough into their PhD to have a concrete dissertation proposal outlining the key challenges they plan to solve as well as the strategies and methodologies that are applicable. Furthermore, participants should not plan to finish their dissertation within 6 months of the forum, as that would leave little time to include advice and suggestions into their work.

Best presentation will receive an award at the forum.
There may be some travel grants from NSF and SIGMOBILE to attend PhD Forum.

For more information, please visit the PhD Forum website at:

Ph.D. Forum Co-Chairs

Andrius Aucinas (University of Cambridge)
Aaron Yi Ding (University of Helsinki)
Aarathi Prasad (Dartmouth College)
Ardalan Amiri Sani (Rice University)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 31, 2014
Notification deadline: April 17, 2014
Camera-ready deadline: April 26, 2014
Forum date: June 16, 2014

Mobile Augmented Reality and Robotic Technology-based Systems (MARS) Back to top


Smartphones embedded with many sensors have become very powerful. Hence, recently several mobile augmented reality (AR) applications have been developed e.g. AR-based tourist guiding system. Such applications superimpose computer-generated data such as text, video, graphs on top of the real-world view as captured by a camera embedded within a smartphone. Thus, such applications enhance a users perception of reality and of his surrounding environment. Furthermore, mobile augmented reality applications which are designed for children with special needs have recently appeared. In addition, recently researchers have extended robots usage into our daily lives such as search and rescue operations, education, entertainment, special need population e.g. autistic children or seniors. These new mobile augmented reality and robot application domains require close interactions with human beings, smart intelligence to allow smooth visual and audio recognition and some novel interface design. In this workshop, we hope to gather researchers who conduct researches in these two exciting fields to gather and share information on the challenges they face as well as their innovative design.

For more information, please visit the workshop web site at:

Program Co-Chairs

Mooi Choo Chuah (Lehigh University)
Pan Hui (HongKong University of Science & Technology)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 4, 2014
Notification deadline: April 18, 2014
Camera-ready deadline: April 27, 2014
Workshop date: June 16, 2014

Workshop on Physical Analytics Back to top


Despite the rapid rise in online activity, people lead much of their lives in the physical world. They travel to places, dwell at various locations, spend time with other people, look at, touch, or pick up things at a store, go to the gym, watch movies, and listen to music or are exposed to announcements, all of which is often based on what interests them. Therefore, there is much to be learnt about users from their physical actions and activities, which is often not manifested in their online activity. Such insights can be of benefit both to users directly and to businesses.

While huge strides have been made in online analytics to extract a wealth of information from peoples online activities, corresponding work in the physical context  which we term as Physical Analytics  is relatively nascent and scattered. The goal of the proposed workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to have a conversation on Physical Analytics, with a view to coalescing a research agenda around it for the community. Our intention is keep the scope broad  spanning devices, algorithms, systems, and applications  yet have the discourse be focused on physical analytics.

The workshop will include invited talks, a panel, and refereed papers, with as much time devoted to discussion as to the presentations themselves.

For more information, please visit the workshop website at:

Program Co-Chairs

Deborah Estrin (Cornell Tech, USA)
Venkat Padmanabhan (Microsoft Research, India)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 24, 2014
Extended submission deadline: March 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance: April 16, 2014
Camera-ready deadline: April 27, 2014
Workshop date: June 16, 2014

The Fifth International Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing & Services (MCS 2014) Back to top


Mobile systems are resource-constrained due to their small form factors. It is natural to consider enhancing them with the massively more resourceful data centers that are distant (a.k.a. the cloud) or located close by (a.k.a edge servers). In fact, many of todays mobile applications already leverage the cloud, usually via a client-server model and the web. To some extent, mobile systems have become the user interface of the cloud; and the cloud has become the backend of these mobile systems.

The MCS workshop is intended to be a forum for exchanging new ideas about the synergy and symbiosis of mobile and cloud: new ways to leverage the cloud to serve mobile users and new challenges to the cloud raised by mobile accesses. The scope of the workshop will encompass a broad range of systems and networking topics that explore this synergy between mobile devices and the cloud. The program will include papers selected from the open call for papers by the TPC along with invited contributions that are shepherded by the TPC. Submissions on any topic that is relevant to the mobile-cloud synergy are welcome. Contributions with experimental focus, real-world experience, and system building are particularly encouraged.

For more information, please visit the workshop website at:

Program Co-Chairs

Lin Zhong (Rice University)
Yuvraj Agarwal (University of California, San Diego)

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 28, 2014
Extended submission deadline: April 4, 2014
Notification of acceptance: April 18, 2014
Camera-ready deadline: April 27, 2014
Workshop date: June 16, 2014