Free Access to Conference Papers



Best Paper

Rio: A System Solution for Sharing I/O between Mobile Systems
Ardalan Amiri Sani, Kevin Boos, Min Hong Yun, and Lin Zhong (Rice University)

COIN-GPS: Indoor Localization from Direct GPS Receiving
Shahriar Nirjon (University of Virginia), Jie Liu, Gerald DeJean, Bodhi Priyantha, Yuzhe Jin, and Ted Hart (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA)

Best Poster

A Virtual Sensing Framework for Mobile Phones
Jon C Hammer, Tingxin Yan (University of Arkansas)

Best Demo

DeLorean: Using Speculation to Enable Low-Latency Continuous Interaction for Mobile Cloud Gaming
Kyungmin Lee (University of Michigan), David Chu, Eduardo Cuervo, Johannes Kopf, Alec Wolman (Microsoft Research), Jason Flinn (University of Michigan)

Best Video

WiFi-Honk: Smartphone-based Beacon Stuffed WiFi Car2X-Communication System for Vulnerable Road User Safety
Kaustubh Dhondge, Sejun Song, Younghwan Jang, Hyungbae Park, Sunae Shin, and Baek-Young Choi (University of Missouri  Kansas City)

Monday, June 16
 7:30 Continental Breakfast
 8:00 Registration (Great Hall)
 9:00 – 12:30 Workshops (excluding PhD forum)
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 17:30 Workshops
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
17:30 – 19:00 Opening Reception (Presidential Foyer)
19:00 Dinner (on your own - with on-site and off-site options)
Tuesday, June 17
 7:30 Continental Breakfast
 8:00 Registration (Great Hall)
 8:45 – 9:15 Opening Remarks
 9:15 – 10:30 Keynote: "Balancing Design and Technology to Tackle Global Grand Challenges", James Landay, Cornell Tech
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Session 1: Applications
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch, N^2 Women Event
14:00 – 15:10 Session 2: Wearable Computing
15:10 – 15:40 Coffee Break
15:40 – 17:10 Session 3: Security
17:30 – 20:00 Posters/Demos & Reception (food to start service at 6pm)
Wednesday, June 18
 7:30 Continental Breakfast
 8:00 Registration (Great Hall)
 8:30 – 9:40 Session 4: Gestures
 9:40 – 10:10 Coffee Break
10:10 – 10:50 Session 5: UI Automation
10:50 – 11:50 Video demos
11:50 – 12:50 Lunch ("Community Infrastructure", Thyagarajan Nandagopal, NSF) - slides
12:50 – 14:00 Session 6: Resource usage
14:00 – 18:30 Outdoor Activities
18:30 – 21:00 Banquet (Best paper award presentation)
Thursday, June 19
 7:30 Continental Breakfast
 8:00 Registration (Great Hall)
 8:30 – 9:00 Invited talk: "Sources of inspiration in mobile computing", Lin Zhong - SIGMOBILE 2014 Rockstar awardee
 9:00 – 10:10 Session 7: Performance
10:10 – 10:40 Coffee Break
10:40 – 11:50 Session 8: Localization
11:50 – 12:00 Closing


Tuesday, June 17

Keynote Speech: Balancing Design and Technology to Tackle Global Grand Challenges

9:15 – 10:30

Professor James Landay, Cornell Tech


There are many urgent problems facing the planet: a degrading environment, a healthcare system in crisis, and educational systems that are failing to produce creative, innovative thinkers to solve tomorrow's problems. Technology influences behavior, and I believe when we balance it with revolutionary design, we can reduce a family's energy and water use by 50%, double most people's daily physical activity, and educate any child anywhere in the world to a level of proficiency on par with the planet's best students. My research program tackles these grand challenges by using a new model of interdisciplinary research that takes a long view and encourages risk-taking and creativity. I will illustrate how we are addressing these grand challenges in our research by building systems that balance innovative user interfaces with novel activity inference technology. These systems have helped individuals stay fit, led families to be more sustainable in their everyday lives, and supported learners in acquiring second languages. I will also introduce the World Lab, a cross-cultural institute that embodies my balanced approach to attack the world's biggest problems today, while preparing the technology and design leaders of tomorrow.


James Landay is a Professor of Information Science at Cornell Tech, specializing in human-computer interaction. He will become a Professor of Computer Science at Stanford in August, 2014. Previously, James was a Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. His current research interests include Technology to Support Behavior Change, Demonstrational Interfaces, Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing, and User Interface Design Tools. He is the founder and co-director of the World Lab, a joint research and educational effort with Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Landay received his BS in EECS from UC Berkeley in 1990 and MS and PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1993 and 1996, respectively. His PhD dissertation was the first to demonstrate the use of sketching in user interface design tools. He was previously the Laboratory Director of Intel Labs Seattle, a university affiliated research lab that explored the new usage models, applications, and technology for ubiquitous computing. He was also the chief scientist and co-founder of NetRaker, which was acquired by KeyNote Systems in 2004. From 1997 through 2003 he was a tenured professor in EECS at UC Berkeley. He was named to the ACM SIGCHI Academy in 2011. He currently serves on the NSF CISE Advisory Committee.

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Session 1: Applications

11:00 – 12:30, Tuesday, June 17
Sesion Chair: Feng Qian (AT&T Labs-Research)
BodyBeat: A Mobile System for Sensing Non-Speech Body Sounds epub pdf press
Tauhidur Rahman (Cornell University), Alexander T Adams (University of North Carolina at Charlotte),Mi Zhang (Cornell University), Erin Cherry (University of Rochester), Bobby Zhou (Cornell University), Huaishu Peng (Cornell University), Tanzeem Choudhury (Cornell University)
Ubiquitous Keyboard for Small Mobile Devices: Harnessing Multipath Fading for Fine-Grained Keystroke Localization epub pdf
Junjue Wang, Kaichen Zhao, and Xinyu Zhang (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Chunyi Peng (The Ohio State University)
Autodirective Audio Capturing Through a Synchronized Smartphone Array epub pdf
Sanjib Sur, Teng Wei, and Xinyu Zhang (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Tracking Human Queues Using Single-Point Signal Monitoring epub pdf
Yan Wang (Stevens Institute of Technology), Jie Yang (Oakland University), Yingying Chen (Stevens Institute of Technology), Hongbo Liu (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis), and Marco Gruteser and Richard P. Martin (Rutgers University)

Session 2: Wearable Computing

14:00 – 15:10, Tuesday, June 17
Sesion Chair: Robin Kravets (University of Illinois)
A wearable system that knows who wears it epub pdf press
Cory Cornelius, Ronald Peterson, Joe Skinner, Ryan Halter, and David Kotz (Dartmouth College)
Towards Wearable Cognitive Assistance epub pdf
Kiryong Ha, Zhuo Chen, Wenlu Hu, and Wolfgang Richter (Carnegie Mellon University), Padmanabhan Pillai (Intel Labs), and Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University)
iShadow: Design of a Wearable, Real-Time Mobile Gaze Tracker epub pdf
Addison Mayberry, Pan Hu, Benjamin Marlin, Christopher Salthouse, and Deepak Ganesan (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Wednesday, June 17

Session 3: Security

15:40 – 17:10, Tuesday, June 17
Sesion Chair: Marco Gruteser (Rutgers University)
nShield: A Noninvasive NFC Security System for Mobile Devices epub pdf
Ruogu Zhou and Guoliang Xing (Michigan State University)
Sensor-Assisted Facial Recognition: An Enhanced Biometric Authentication System for Smartphones epub pdf
Shaxun Chen, Amit Pande, and Prasant Mohapatra (UC Davis)
MAdFraud: Investigating Ad Fraud in Android Applications epub pdf
Jonathan Crussell, Ryan Stevens, and Hao Chen (UC Davis)
EnCore: Private, Context-based Communication for Mobile Social Apps epub pdf
Paarijaat Aditya and Viktor Erdélyi (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems), Matthew Lentz, Elaine Shi, and Bobby Bhattacharjee (University of Maryland), and Peter Druschel (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)

Session 4: Gestures

8:30 – 9:40, Wednesday, June 18
Sesion Chair: David Chu (Microsoft Research)
RisQ: Recognizing Smoking Gestures with Inertial Sensors on a Wristband epub pdf
Abhinav Parate, Meng-Chieh Chiu, Chaniel Chadowitz, Deepak Ganesan, and Evangelos Kalogerakis (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
An Energy Harvesting Wearable Ring Platform for Gesture Input on Surfaces epub pdf
Jeremy Gummeson (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Bodhi Priyantha and Jie Liu (Microsoft Research)
User-generated Free-Form Gestures for Authentication: Security and Memorability epub pdf press
Michael Sherman, Gradeigh Clark, Yulong Yang, and Shridatt Sugrim (Rutgers University), Arttu Modig (University of Helsinki), Janne Lindqvist (Rutgers University), Antti Oulasvirta (Max Planck Institute for Informatics), and Teemu Roos (University of Helsinki)

Session 5: UI Automation

10:10 – 10:50, Wednesday, June 18
Sesion Chair: Aruna Balasubramanian (University of Washington)
Automatic and Scalable Fault Detection for Mobile Applications epub pdf
Lenin Ravindranath (MIT), Suman Nath and Jitendra Padhye (Microsoft Research), and Hari Balakrishnan (MIT)
PUMA: Programmable UI-Automation for Large Scale Dynamic Analysis of Mobile Apps epub pdf
Shuai Hao and Bin Liu (University of Southern California), Suman Nath (Microsoft Research), and William G.J. Halfond and Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California)

Session 6: Resource usage

12:50 – 14:00, Wednesday, June 18
Sesion Chair: Guoliang Xing (Michigan State University)
Characterizing Resource Usage for Mobile Web Browsing epub pdf
Feng Qian, Subhabrata Sen, and Oliver Spatscheck (AT&T Labs - Research)
Procrastinator: pacing mobile apps' usage of the network epub pdf
Lenin Ravindranath (MIT), Sharad Agarwal and Jitendra Padhye (Microsoft Research), and Christopher Riederer (Columbia University)
CoAST: Collaborative Application-Aware Scheduling of Last-Mile Cellular Traffic epub pdf
Cong Shi (Georgia Institute of Technology), Kaustubh Joshi and Rajesh K. Panta (AT&T Labs Research), and Mostafa H. Ammar and Ellen W. Zegura (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Thursday, June 19

Session 7: Performance

9:00 – 10:10, Thursday, June 19
Sesion Chair: Sharad Agarwal (Microsoft Research)
Rio: A System Solution for Sharing I/O between Mobile Systems epub pdf
Ardalan Amiri Sani, Kevin Boos, Min Hong Yun, and Lin Zhong (Rice University)
Real-Time Android with RTDroid epub pdf
Yin Yan, Shaun Cosgrove, Varun Anand, Amit Kulkarni, Sree Harsha Konduri, Steven Y. Ko, and Lukasz Ziarek (SUNY Buffalo)
Enhancing Vehicular Internet Connectivity using Whitespaces, Heterogeneity, and a Scouting Radio epub pdf
Tan Zhang, Sayandeep Sen, and Suman Banerjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Session 8: Localization

10:40 – 11:50, Thursday, June 19
Sesion Chair: Junehwa Song (KAIST)
COIN-GPS: Indoor Localization from Direct GPS Receiving epub pdf
Shahriar Nirjon (University of Virginia) and Jie Liu, Gerald DeJean, Bodhi Priyantha, Yuzhe Jin, and Ted Hart (Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA)
SAIL: Single Access Point based Indoor Localization epub pdf
Alex Mariakakis (University of Washington) and Souvik Sen, Jeongkeun Lee, and Kyu-Han Kim (HP Labs)
I am a Smartphone and I can Tell my Users Walking Direction epub pdf
Nirupam Roy, He Wang, and Romit Roy Choudhury (University of Illinois (UIUC))

ACM SIGMOBILE Harassment Policy

The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of SIGMOBILE; these require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. The ACM Code of Ethics embraces the "values of equality, tolerance, respect for others, and the principles of equal justice". For these reasons, SIGMOBILE is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience.

Harassment is unwelcome or hostile behavior, including speech that intimidates, creates discomfort, or interferes with a person's participation or opportunity for participation, in any SIGMOBILE event. Harassment in any form, including but not limited to harassment based on race, gender, religion, age, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity, will not be tolerated. Harassment includes the use of gratuitous language or sexual imagery in public presentations and displays, degrading verbal comments, deliberate intimidation, stalking, harassing photography or recording, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Conference participants violating these standards may be sanctioned, expelled from the conference or asked not to attend future conferences or conference events, at the discretion of the conference organizers and the SIGMOBILE executive committee.

If you believe you have been harassed, you are encouraged to report the incident in confidence to either of the MobiSys 2014 General Chairs at or the SIGMOBILE Chair at