MobiSys 2019 is pleased to provide student travel grant to broaden the participation in the main conference and co-located events (Workshops, Rising Star Forum, Poster/Demo sessions, etc.). This support is made possible by the generous support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) , ACM SIGMOBILE, and other MobiSys 2019 sponsors. While the NSF grant is available only for full-time undergraduate and graduate students attending US colleges and universities (not necessarily US citizens or permanent residents), grants from the ACM SIGMOBILE and from other MobiSys 2019 sponsors are available for International/US full-time undergraduate and graduate students. Priority will be given to students who will benefit from attending the MobiSys main conference and its co-located events, but are unlikely to attend due to the unavailability of travel funding. Please note that the travel grant is on a reimbursement basis. Furthermore, underrepresented minorities and women students are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications for the Student Travel Grant should be sent electronically as a single PDF attachment to the Mobisys 2019 Student Travel Co-chairs, Brad Campbell and Song Min Kim, at, by May 13, 2019. The subject line of the email should be: MobiSys 2019 Student Travel Grant [US] if applicants are from U.S. institutions. The subject line of the email should be: MobiSys 2019 Student Travel Grant [International] if applicants are from institutions outside the U.S. A complete application should consist of the student's CV, a short personal statement (maximum one page), and a supporting letter from the student's advisor.
The student's short personal statement (maximum one page) should include:The MobiSys 2019 Student Scholarship committee will review applications, and the awards will be announced by May 20, 2019. Items the travel grant can cover include conference registration fee,hotel expense, and air tickets (must be US air carriers for NSF Grants). Please note that each student may get support only on parts of the items depending on their needs and funding availability. Please note that the travel grant is on a reimbursement basis.
For any questions, please contact the MobiSys 2019 Student Travel Grant Co-chairs, Brad Campbell and Song Min Kim, at