MobiSys 2017 Student Travel Grant

MobiSys 2017 is pleased to provide student travel grant to broaden the participation in the main conference and co-located events (Workshops, Ph.D. Forum, Poster/Demo sessions, etc.). This support is made possible by the generous support from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and ACM SIGMOBILE. While the NSF grant is available only for full-time undergraduate and graduate students attending US colleges and universities (not necessarily US citizens or permanent residents), the ACM SIGMOBILE grant is available for International/US full-time undergraduate and graduate students. Priority will be given to students who will benefit from attending the MobiSys main conference and its co-located events, but are unlikely to attend due to the unavailability of travel funding. Underrepresented minorities and women students are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications for the Student Travel Grant should be sent electronically as a single PDF attachment to the Mobisys 2017 Student Scholarship Chair, Mi Zhang, at, by May 12, 2017. The subject line of the email should be: MobiSys 2017 Student Travel Grant [US] if applicants are from US institutions. The subject line of the email should be: MobiSys 2017 Student Travel Grant [International] if applicants are from institutions outside US. A complete application should consist of the student's CV, a short personal statement (maximum one page), and a supporting letter from the student's advisor.

The student's short personal statement (maximum one page) should include:

  1. A brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date.
  2. A description of areas reflected in the MobiSys 2017 program that would impact the student's research.
  3. Importance of attending the conference to the student's research activities.

In addition, the student's advisor should send a supporting letter separately to the Student Scholarship Chair. It should include:

  1. Confirmation that the student is in good standing. Note: We will accept applications from Ph.D., Masters, and undergraduate students working on relevant research problems.
  2. The suitability of MobiSys 2017 program to the student's research area.
  3. Ways in which attending the conference would benefit the particular student.
  4. The strengths and potential contributions of the student.
  5. The financial needs of the student in traveling to MobiSys 2017.
  6. Indicate how the remainder of your travel cost, not covered by the award (if any), will be covered.

The MobiSys 2017 Student Scholarship committee will review applications, and the awards will be announced by May 19, 2017. The reimbursement amount will be around $800 per student. Items the travel grant can cover include conference registration fee, hotel expense, and air tickets (must be US air carriers).

For any questions, please contact the MobiSys 2017 Student Scholarship Chair Mi Zhang at

Important Dates:

  • May 12th, 2017 - Complete Application Deadline
  • May 19th, 2017 - Award Notification
  • June 19th - 23rd, 2017 - MobiSys 2017 Conference

MobiSys 2017 N2Women Young Researcher Fellowship awards

N2Women is pleased to announce the continuation of our N2Women Young Researcher Fellowship awards. N2Women considers you a young researcher if you are currently a student, working as a post-doc, or in the 1st or 2nd year of your new research career. These awards will partially cover a young researcher’s travel cost (up to $1000) to a meeting where an N2Women event will be held. In exchange, the young researcher must help organize the N2Women meeting. The benefit of doing the organization, in addition to the travel funds, is for the young researcher to connect with the organizers of the conference who are, typically, leaders in the research field. We will arrange for a faculty or research member of N2Women to assist/mentor the young researcher in this task.

Support for these N2Women Young Researcher Fellowship awards has been generously provided by ACM SIGMOBILE, ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE ComSoc, IEEE CS TCCC, Microsoft Research, HP Labs and Google Research.

To apply for a fellowship or for more information, please see: and click the Fellowships link.

The deadline for applications for MobiSys is *** March 15th 2017 ***