ACM MobiSys 2024
Networking Networking Women Professional Development Workshop (N2Women’24)
The 14th N2Women workshop aims to foster professional networking among women in computer networking and related research fields in which women are traditionally underrepresented. Its goal is to:
- Connect newer generations of networking women researchers with the community and create mentorship relationships;
- Create a research forum in which students and junior researchers learn and discuss current trends in networking, present their research and receive feedback;
- Engage a diverse body of junior researchers in the field.
The workshop welcomes women, but also underrepresented minorities of any gender identity, students, and men who share the same research interests and face the same career hurdles.
We hope you join us for a full day of events, including talks and discussions on careers in networking, mentorship sessions, and technical sessions where, in particular, junior researchers will present their research as poster presentations.
Important Dates
Travel Grant Application Submission Deadline | April 28, 2024, AoE |
Poster Submission Deadline | May 1, 2024, AoE |
Notification of Acceptance | May 3, 2024 |
TravelGrant Award Notification | May 3, 2024 |
Deadline to Accept/Decline Travel Grant Award | May 5, 2024 AoE |
Workshop Date | June 3, 2024 |
Call for Posters
Posters are solicited for research related to any aspect of networking and communications. All researchers in the networking and communications fields are welcome to submit their work for presentation at this workshop.
Posters will not be published and can therefore be under submission to other conferences or workshops. Authors of accepted posters will be required to present their work as part of a lightning presentation session. Presenting a poster is a great opportunity, especially for students and junior researchers, to extend the visibility of their work and to obtain interest.
The best poster will be awarded a Best Poster Award and runners-up will receive an honorable mention.
Poster Submission
Each submission should be formatted as an extended abstract, describing the research to be presented in the poster. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 2 printed pages including all figures and excluding references. Authors must follow the standard ACM two-column conference format with a 10-pt font size. The extended abstract must include the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors and should be submitted as a single PDF file.
Submit your poster abstract here
Call for Mentors
The N2Women workshop will offer one-on-one mentoring sessions for students and junior researchers. In an effort to broaden participation, we are soliciting applications to be a mentor on the workshop. We encourage researchers of all gender identities and different career phases to apply here
Participation and Travel Grants
N2Women is pleased to provide travel grants to its annual workshop and encourages participants to apply. The travel grants will be given to applicants who actively participate in the N2Women workshop by either submitting a poster or serving as a mentor. Priority will be given to applicants who are women, under-represented groups in their country of residence, and people with disabilities.
How to apply?
N2Women runs a joint travel-grant applications process with MobiSys2024. Please refer to MobiSys2024 travel grant page at for information about how to apply, the format of the application, and the selection criteria. Make sure to mention in your application that you want to be considered for the N2Women travel grant. Additionally, indicate whether you are submitting a poster or serving as a mentor.
Travel support
Travel grant awards are meant to cover the cost of attending the N2Women workshop in person ($500~$1000). The cost may be fully or partially covered based on the individual needs of the applicants. Note that the award recipients will need to pay for the expenses ahead of time and get reimbursed after the N2Women workshop. For any questions, please contact the N2Women Workshop co-chairs.
Anh Nguyen, University of Montana, USA
Bhuvana Krishnaswamy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Tahera Hossain, Nagoya University, Japan