Student Travel Grant

ACM MobiSys 2024 is pleased to provide travel grants to support students attending the main conference and the co-located events. The purpose of this program is to encourage graduate student participation at the conference by funding the travel cost for students who would otherwise be unable to attend. Furthermore, underrepresented minorities and women students are particularly encouraged to apply.


Grants are available only for full-time students attending colleges and universities in and outside the United States.

Selection Criteria

The student’s merit qualifications, student’s statement/letter, and advisor letter(s) weigh strongly in selecting students for a travel grant. Generally, travel grants are awarded to PhD students pursuing research in areas of interest to MobiSys. We rarely consider masters students and postdocs. The factors below represent our rough prioritization.

  1. Students from under-represented groups or institutions. Additionally, grants are spread across institutions, and the historical tendency is to award one travel grant per institution.
  2. Students who authored rejected MobiSys papers.
  3. Students who have not received a prior MobiSys travel grant.
  4. Student authors of accepted papers who will not themselves be speaking at the conference.
  5. Students who are co-authors of accepted posters and/or demos.
  6. Students in early stages of their PhD studies without alternate means of support.

We also consider extenuating circumstances that are discussed in statements and letters. In addition to this, we prioritize equal representation and diversity.

How to Apply

Your application must include the following:

To apply for a travel grant, the student applicant should send all materials as a single PDF file to:
The advisor’s letter should be sent, directly by the advisor, to the same email.

Important Dates

Travel Grant Application Submission Deadline April 28, 2024, AoE
Travel Grant Award Notification May 5, 2024, AoE
Deadline to Accept/Decline Travel Grant Award May 7, 2024, AoE

Additional Information, Requirements, and Restrictions


Diamond Sponsors and Supporters

Supported by Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

University Sponsors and Supporters

Host Institution