SIGMOBILE Student Community Grant: Proposal Solicitation

To help support the next generation of mobile computing researchers and tighten community connections during the continued pandemic, SIGMOBILE is making available student community grants. These grants are funded by reallocating funds from student travel grants that SIGMOBILE was unable to disburse during the pandemic and funded through SIGMOBILE’s Mobile Computing Research Community Fund mechanism.

2022 Recipients

Research and Implementation of Distributed Wi-Fi Phased Array using Low-Cost COTS Hardware

Yu Duan, Daiyang Zhang and Zhiping Jiang, Xidian University, China

A Public Repository of Network Traffic Traces based on Different Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Metaverse Applications

Washik Al Azad and Ihsan Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA

SplitSmart: An Open Dataset for Enabling Research in Energy-efficient Ductless-Split Air Conditioners

Keshav Kaushik, BITS Pilani, India

Building an Open-Sourced Earable Computing Platform

Tao Chen, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Community Grant Co-Chairs

  • Michele Segata, University of Trento
  • Xinyu Zhang, University of California San Diego


Student community grant proposals will typically support but are not limited to the following activities: Creating, maintaining, or enhancing

  • open research datasets or benchmarks
  • widely disseminated educational content for the community (e.g., tutorials or demonstrations on SIGMOBILE’s Youtube channel)
  • open source community software
  • SIGMOBILE’s member communication platforms (Website, Youtube channel, Twitter, GetMobile, etc.)
  • events that foster connections in the community such as a virtual student talk series or conferences
  • tools to enhance SIGMOBILEs virtual conferences experience or the publications process

Deadline & Submission Process

Deadline: November 10, 2022, 11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth

Using the format described here, send your proposal by email to the SIGMOBILE executive committee using the email addresses: and,. The committee will endeavor to review proposals, and either accept, or reject proposals within 1 month.

Funding Amounts

SIGMOBILE welcomes smaller proposals up to USD 5,000 per year, medium proposals up to USD 10,000 per year and larger proposals up to USD 25,000 in a calendar year.

SIGMOBILE will not pay for hosting organization overhead fees, staff, and benefits, only for items that directly contribute to the project.

A proposal must be for a specified period of time, but should not exceed 2 years. For proposals longer than one year, a 2-page report must be generated each year summarizing its achievements. Continued funding will be conditional on a positive review of the annual report by the Executive Committee.

The anticipated total funding amount this year is USD 100,000 with two projects funded up to $25,000, 3 projects up to $10,000, and 4 projects up to $5,000. This amount and allocation is approximate and subject to availability of funds.

Eligibility Criteria

The proposal must be submitted by a SIGMOBILE member in PhD student or postdoc status or by a faculty member on behalf of such a student or postdoc. An eligible SIGMOBILE member may submit (or be listed on) at most two proposals.

Selection Criteria

  • The project proposal must be judged to be of high-quality by the SIGMOBILE Executive Committee
  • The project must be relevant to, and provide value for, a wide cross-section of the SIGMOBILE membership.
  • The project must disseminate its results to SIGMOBILE members through either the website, GetMobile, SIGMOBILE’s Youtube channel, or at one of SIGMOBILE’s sponsored conferences or workshops.

Proposal Components

  • Title: What is the project to be called?
  • Subject matter: What is the purpose of this project?
  • People: Who speaks for, and takes responsibility for this project? Who else is on the team? What are their qualifications, or track-record for carrying out this project?
  • Requested Award: The total amount requested
  • Duration: Will this project need on-going, continual funding? If so, how many years of seed money are being sought, and what is the plan for continuing funding?
  • Schedule: When will it start and end?
  • Prior work: What work has already been done in this area and how will this project build on it?
  • Relevance: What SIGMOBILE membership is this project relevant to? Do they have similar projects already underway? How will they be involved?
  • Potential value: What is the potential value of the proposed project to SIGMOBILE members?
  • Deliverables: What will be the outcome of the project?
  • Delivery vehicle: Who is the audience for this outcome? How will these people be informed of the outcome? Where applicable, how will they get access to it?
  • Additional funding: Have you considered other sources of funding? Will someone match SIGMOBILE’s Funding?
  • Dependency: What other things does the successful completion of this project depend upon?
  • End-game: How will you know the project has succeeded?


Proposals should be a maximum of 2 US-letter size pages for small and mid-sized budgets and a maximum of 3 US-letter size pages for larger budgets. All should be typed in 10-pt Arial font, include a CV or resume of no more than 2 additional pages, and a note from a supervisor confirming PhD student or postdoc status. Additional supporting material such as figures or papers may be included in an appendix but the review committee is not obligated to consider these.